Import a VoS Request
Use the VoS Details tab to import a VoS Request file (.vos) into the StudyLink module. ebs then attempts to auto-match the records in the file with learners currently held in the ebs database. Refer to Manual and Automatic Learner Matching for further information.
To import a VoS Request file:
Click the Import VOS Request button on the StudyLink Commands ribbon.
The Import VoS Request window is displayed.
Click the Browse button.
The Open window is displayed.
Locate the relevant import file, and then click the Open button.
Click the Upload button.
If the import process is successful, the Import VoS Request window displays a summary of the matched learners.
An error message is displayed if:
- You have previously imported a VoS Request file with the same name
- The file does not have valid study start dates
Click Close.
If the VoS Request import is successful, the VoS Details tab displays the learner records in the grid.